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RealTimeNumbers are similar to Javascript numbers. They are a simple data type representing a numeric value:


The methods of the RealTimeNumber simply set the numeric value of the element. For the following examples assume the data model looks like the following:

  count: 42

Getting the Number's Value

The number's value can be obtained using the zero argument value() method.

const num = root.get("count");
console.log(num.value()); // 42

Setting the Number's Value

The numeric value can be set using the single argument value(number) method. Once called, the number will be equal to the value specified.

const num = root.get("count");
console.log(num.value()); // 44

Other Methods

See the API documentation for full details of the methods of the RealTimeNumber.

Method Description
add(num) Adds the specified number to this number.
subtract(num) Subtracts the specified number from this number.
increment() Increments the value of this number by one.
decrement() Decrements the value of this number by one.


See the API documentation for more details of the RealTimeNumber events.

Event Description
"delta" Emitted when the value of the number is increased or decreased, probably by one of the four methods above.
"value" Emitted when the number's value is set.
"detached" Emitted when the element is detached from the model.