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REST API: Real Time Models

One of the most common use cases for the REST API is working with individual real time models directly.

All queries must be authorized.

Creating a RealTimeModel

To create a new model with a system-generated ID:

POST {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models
  "collection": "test-collection",
  "data": {
    "key": "value"

results in the response:

    "body": {
        "id": "89d1e6fc-faa2-4304-a341-fd42efa7fd3d"
    "ok": true

To create a new model with a known ID:

PUT {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}
  "collection": "test-collection",
  "data": {
    "key": "value"

Note that it is currently not possible to assign model permissions at the time of creation. See the permissions section below to update the model's permissions after it is created.

Querying a model's contents

GET {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}

Were modelId the ID returned from the previous POST, the result would be:

    "body": {
        "id": "89d1e6fc-faa2-4304-a341-fd42efa7fd3d",
        "collection": "test-collection",
        "version": 1,
        "createdTime": 1571693445435,
        "modifiedTime": 1571693445435,
        "data": {
            "key": "value"
    "ok": true

If only the model's metadata is desired, a slightly more performant query is:

GET {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}?data=false
which would omit the data attribute of the previous response.

Updating a model

PUT {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}
  "collection": "test-collection",
    "data": {
        "key": "newValue"
results in the default success response.

Deleting a model

DELETE {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}
results in the default success response.

Model Permissions

Any real-world application will require customized access control. See here for an explanation of the various model permissions that are possible.

Setting world permissions

PUT {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}/permissions/world
results in the default success response.

Overriding the model's collection's permissions

PUT {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}/permissions/override
results in the default success response.

Setting per-user model permissions

PUT {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}/permissions/user/{{userId}}
results in the default success response.

Getting a model's current permissions

GET {{convergenceRestUrl}}/domains/{{namespace}}/{{domainId}}/models/{{modelId}}/permissions

which, for the examples above, would return something like

    "body": {
        "overrideWorld": true,
        "worldPermissions": {
            "read": true,
            "write": false,
            "remove": false,
            "manage": false
        "userPermissions": [{
            "userId": {
            "permissions": {
    "ok": true