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Activity Permissions

Activities follow a similar permission scheme as other parts of the system. Permissions can be assigned to:

  • Users: Specific permissions for each user.
  • Groups: Apply to any users in the group.
  • World: Apply all users in the system.

The table below shows the available permissions for Activities.

Permission Description
join Permits users to join an activity
lurk Permits user to join an activity in lurk mode
view_state Permits users to view other participants state
set_state Permits users to share state in the activity
manage Permits users to set permissions for the activity
remove Permits users to delete the activity

Setting Permissions on Creation

You can set permissions when creating (and auto creating) an activity:

    activityType: "project", 
    activityId: "id",
    worldPermissions: ["join", "set_state", "view_state"], // everyone
    userPermissions: {
      "user1": ["join", "lurk", "set_state", "view_state"],
      "admin": ["join", "lurk", "set_state", "view_state", "manage", "remove"]
    groupPermissions: {
      "admins": ["join", "lurk", "set_state", "view_state", "manage", "remove"]
  .then(() => console.log("Activity Created!"));

Setting Permissions While Joined

Permissions can be set on a joined activity by using the Activity.permissions() method to obtain an ActivityPermissionManager:

const permissionsManager = activity.permissions();
  .setUserPermissions({"testUser": ["join", "view_state", "set_state"]})
  .then(() => console.log("permissions set"));

Please refer to the API documentation for available permissions operations.

Removing Permissions for Joined User

It is possible that when permissions are changed that a user that is currently a participant within an activity no longer has sufficient privileges to remained joined. In this case, all sessions for users in that situation will be removed from the Activity. Clients who are removed will receive a force_leave event with a message letting them know why they were removed.

activity.on("force_leave", (e) => {