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Activity Participation

To interact with the activity you must join it first. Once joined, you become a participant of that activity. Each session that joins the activity will be a unique participant. A session can only join an activity once. That is, if a session tries to join an activity it has already joined, the API will throw an error.


To interact with an activity a user must join it. Joining signifies participation in the activity. An activity can be joined by using the ActivityService.join(type, id):

domain.activities().join("project", "myProject").then((activity) => {
  // interact with the activity.

When a user joins the activity, other users who have also joined the activity will be notified.

Auto Creating and Ephemeral Activities

Normally an activity must exist prior to joining it. Sometimes it is convenient to automatically create the activity if it does not exist when joining. This can be accomplished by passing auto creation options to the join method. In addition, when using the auto creation feature, activities can be marked as ephemeral. When the last use leaves the activity, the activity will also be automatically deleted.

const options = {
  autoCreate: {
    ephemeral: true,
    worldPermissions: ["join", "view_state", "set_state"]

  .join("project", "myProject", options)
  .then((activity) => {
    // interact with the activity.


In certain cases it is useful to join an activity and be able to monitor state, but not show up as a participant to other users. This is called lurking. Lurking is done by session, so it is possible a user is lurking on one device but visible on another device. Users need a specific permission to be able to lurk. Lurking can be achieved during joining as follows:

const options = {
  lurk: true

  .join("project", "myProject", options)
  .then((activity) => {
    // interact with the activity.


When a user no longer wishes to participate in an activity, they can leave it by using the Activity.leave() method:

activity.leave().then(() => console.log("Activity left."));

When a user leaves the activity, the other participants of the activity will be notified.

Getting Participants

Once joined, consumers will likely want to know who the other participants in the activity are. This can be accomplished using the participants() and participant(sessionId) methods.

// returns an array of participants
const participants = activity.participants();

// get a specific participant by sessionId
const participant1 = activity.participant("someSessionId");

// Get that participants current state.

Participation Events

An Activity object can emit two events that are useful for determining participants' presence over time.

Event Description
"session_joined" Emitted when a new session joins the activity
"session_left" Emitted when a previously joined session leaves the activity


activity.on("session_joined", (e) => {
  console.log(e.participant); // ActivityParticipant object

activity.on("session_left", (e) => {