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Model Service

The model service is the main entry point into all of the functionality around models and real time data. Once connected to a domain, the model service can easily be obtained from the domain as follows:

const modelService = domain.models();

Create a Model

To create a new model you can simply call the create(options) method on the model service. The function definition for create(options) is defined as, create(options: ICreateModelOptions): Promise<string>. For example, below are some examples on how to create a new Employee collection,

Simple Example

  .create({ collection: 'employee' })
  .then((modelId) => {
    console.log(`model created with id: ${modelId}`);

Complex Example

    collection: 'complex_employee',
    data: {
      id: '1834-4',
      fname: 'John',
      lname: 'Doe',
      username: 'john_doe',
    overrideCollectionWorldPermissions: false,
    worldPermissions: {
      read: true,
      write: false,
      remove: false,
      manage: false,
    userPermissions: {
      ted: { read: true, write: false, remove: false, manage: false },
  .then((modelId) => {
    console.log(`model created with id: ${modelId}`);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error(`no dice, buddy: ${err}`);


Option Type Required Description
collection string yes The collection the model should be created in.
id string no The id to assign to the model. If not supplied, an id will be generated.
data object or function no The initial data to set as the root of the model. This can either be an object or a function that returns an object. If not supplied, an empty model will be created.
overrideCollectionWorldPermissions boolean no Whether the model should override the collection's world permissions. Defaults to false.
worldPermissions ModelPermissions no The world permissions to set. Defaults to the collections permissions.
userPermissions {[key: string]: ModelPermissions} no The user permissions to set.

Open an Existing Model

To work with an existing model in real time you must open it. To open a model use the open(modelId) method:"970b09ee-f2b5-4d19-b3dc-e8fef87bf65c").then(model => {
  console.log("model", model.modelId(), "opened");

Opening Model with Auto Create

There are situations where you may want to create and open a model all in one step. Or it may be the case that you want to open a specific model and create it if doesn't exist, but just open it if it does. You can use the openAutoCreate(options) method to achieve this. If the model exists, it will just be opened. If the model does not exist, the supplied options will be used to create the model, and then it iwll be opened.

Simple Example

modelService.openAutoCreate({collection: "employee"}).then(model => {
  console.log("model created!");
}).catch(err => {
  console.error("no dice, buddy:", err);

Complex Example

  collection: "employee", 
  data: {
    id: "1834-4",
    fname: "John",
    lname: "Doe",
    username: "jdoe"
  overrideCollectionWorldPermissions: false,
  worldPermissions: {read: true, write: false, remove: false, manage: false},
  userPermissions: { 
    "ted": {read: true, write: false, remove: false, manage: false}
  ephemeral: false
}).then(model => {
  console.log("model created!");
}).catch(err => {
  console.error("no dice, buddy:", err);


Option Type Required Description
collection string yes The collection the model should be created in.
id string no The id to assign to the model. If not supplied, an id will be generated.
data object or function no The initial data to set as the root of the model. This can either be an object or a function that returns an object. If not supplied, an empty model will be created.
overrideCollectionWorldPermissions boolean no Whether the model should override the collection's world permissions. Defaults to false.
worldPermissions ModelPermissions no The world permissions to set. Defaults to the collections permissions.
userPermissions {[key: string]: ModelPermissions} no The user permissions to set.
ephemeral boolean no If set to true, the model will be deleted as soon as the last collaborator closes it.

Note about race conditions

Programming in real-time collaborative scenarios requires extra diligence about race conditions. One example is a potential race condition around multiple people creating models at the same time. It may be intuitive to do something like this:

if (exists(myModelId)) {
  // open
} else {
//  create

but what if someone else created the model between when you tested for existence and you then created it? You end up having to write something like this:

if (exists(myId)) {
  // open
} else {
 try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (e is an already exists error) {
      // open
    } else {
       // actual error

which is ugly to say the least. The openAutoCreate method was created to avoid this sort of thing.

Remove a Model

To remove an existing model you can call the remove(modelId) method on the model service. For example:

modelService.remove("970b09ee-f2b5-4d19-b3dc-e8fef87bf65c").then(() => {
  console.log("John was canned :(");