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RealTimeArrays are similar to a Javascript Array. They are positionally indexed, ordered collections of RealTimeElements. A visual representation of the data might look something like this:

["string", 1, false, null]

The main interactions with the RealTimeArray are centered around adding, removing, and setting values at specific indices within the array. As expected, indices in the array are zero-based.

Setting the Array's Value

The entire array can be set at once using the single-argument value(array) method. This takes a Javascript array, disposes of all current elements, and replaces them with the supplied ordered collection of values.

realTimeArray.value(["new", "values"]);

Getting the Array's Value

The array's value can be retrieved as a Javascript Array using the no-argument value() method.

const jsonArray = realTimeArray.value();

Inserting a Value

To insert a value into the array at a specific position, use the insert(index, value) method. This will insert a new value into the array at the specified index. After the insert, the newly created RealTimeElement will occupy the specified index. All other elements after the specified index in the array will be shifted to the right.

const insertedValue = realTimeArray.insert(0, "some value");

Setting a Value

To change an existing value at a specific position in the array, use the set(index, value) method. The array must be of sufficient length such that the index points to an existing location.

realTimeArray.set(2, "new value");

Removing a Value

To remove an existing element from the array at a specific position, use the remove(index) method. Removing a value will cause all elements in the array after the specified index to shift to the left.


Moving a Value

It is possible to move an existing element in the array to a new position using the reorder(from, to) method. After the move is complete, the element originally at the from index will now reside at the to index. Other elements in the array will shift as needed.

realTimeArray.reorder(2, 5);

Other Methods

See the API documentation for full details of the methods of the RealTimeArray.

Method Description
length() Returns the current length of the array.
push(value) Adds a new value to the end of the array.
pop() Removes and returns the last element in the array.
unshift(value) Adds a new value to the beginning of the array.
shift() Removes and returns the first element in the array.
some(callback) Calls the supplied callback with each element in the array and returns true if the callback returns true for at least one element.
every(callback) Calls the supplied callback with each element in the array and returns true if the callback returns true for all elements.
find(callback) Calls the supplied callback with each element in the array and returns the first element for which the callback returns true.
findIndex(callback) Calls the supplied callback with each element in the array and returns the index of the first element for which the callback returns true.
forEach(callback) Calls the supplied callback with each element in the array.
elementAt(path) Returns the element in the model corresponding to the relative path supplied.


See the API documentation for full details of the RealTimeArray events.

Event Description
"insert" Emitted when a new element is inserted into the array.
"remove" Emitted when an existing element is removed from the array.
"set" Emitted when an existing element is replaced in the array.
"reorder" Emitted when an existing element is reordered within the array.
"value" Emitted when the entire array's value is set.
"detached" Emitted when the array is detached from the model.